
Saturday, April 9, 2016

1. If you could travel anywhere in the world without worrying about cost, where would you go?

I would go to Israel. Have always wanted to go to the land Jesus was born and raised in. 

2. What is your favorite doll/toy in your collection and why?

That is a tough one. If I was forced to choose I'd say Tipi, my first Heart 4 Heart girl. These dolls are so beautiful and the sales help children all over the world. I like that. Besides, how could I resist that gorgeous hair of hers :)

3. What was the last book you read?

The last book that made a difference is Rush of Wings by Kristen Heitzmann. 

4. If you had the ability to make one imaginary animal real (i.e. unicorn, dragon, griffon, etc.), which one would you choose and why? 

I'm mad about dinosaurs and dragons, but since they could eat me, I'd go with the unicorn. ;) 

5. Which blogger or online friend has inspired you in your own blogging adventures and why?

I'd have to say, 'Never grow up: a mom's guide to dolls and more!'. She is an amazing blogger and I love how brave she is, taking her dolls out on photo shoots, etc. 

6. What is your biggest dream for the future?

At present that would be the house we are planning to build in the country (will even have a dedicated doll room). I can't wait to get out of the city!

7. Is there a doll or toy that was "the one that got away" in your collecting experience? Would you still want it now if you had the opportunity to add it to your collection?

Oh yes. Midge barbie 2013. 

8. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?  

Just one? Oh well, then I'd have to go with pistachio nut. 

9. Captain America or Iron Man? (Or neither?)  

Neither. Superman! Hehe

10. If you had to limit your collection to one type of doll or toy (18 inch, fashion doll, BJD, MLP, Zelfs), which type would you choose? 

Oh my goodness! That is an impossible choice. If I HAD to choose though, most likely fashion doll. 

11. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

You can talk about anything you want to. :)


  1. Loved your answers, Mel. Thanks for participating. :) I'm honored that my blogoing has inspired you, too. That made my day. :)

    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Whoops...I meant "blogging." Should have read over my comment one more time before I published it. ;)
